Despite the title, a Bushfire Planning Consultant (BPC) does not plan Bushfires or planned burns.
The main role of a BPC is to assess the bushfire risk of the landscape on a building. This assessment is a vital step in obtaining either building or planning permits in Designated Bushfire Prone Areas.
70% of Victoria falls within designated bushfire prone areas. A BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) report is required for new buildings, including sheds greater than 100m2 or extensions greater than 50% of the existing floor area. The Bushfire Planning Consultant will perform an on site inspection, assessing vegetation, slope of the land and the distance from the existing or proposed building to the vegetation. This report is submitted to a building surveyor for approval.
Some designated bushfire prone areas are at increased risk of fire attack. These areas have a Bushfire Management Overlay covering the land. Not only will the BPC prepare a BAL Report, they will also prepare a report that fulfills the local government planning provisions for areas within Bushfire Management Overlays.
Understanding that these reports are in place to provide increased protection for human lives and their assets allows clients to appreciate the necessity of such reporting.
Satisfying the building and planning requirements can be a complex issue. Greenwood Consulting has engaged a qualified Bushfire Planning Consultant to help make this part of the project as simple as possible. The scope of work includes residential dwellings, subdivisons, sporting complexes, government buildings and places of worship.
For further information please do not hesitate to submit an online query to Greenwood Consulting by clicking here.