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Tree Risk Assessments

Logo of Quantified Tree Risk Assessment ceritfication

QTRA is internationally recognised and is based on the central principle of risk management of probability, consequence and severity. The QTRA methodology provides:

  • an accurate, credible and effective risk assessment for any number of trees

  • provides clearly actionable outcomes that allow risk management actions to be prioritised and undertaken across a broad range of tree conditions and site variables.

Logo of International Society of Arborists Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ)

ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ)
The TRAQ credential provides arborists with the knowledge of the fundamentals of tree risk assessment by learning a standardised, systematic process for assessing tree risk and providing information to tree owners and risk managers for making informed decisions that will promote the safety of people and property and enhance tree benefits, health, and longevity.

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